Mr Gilbert

Short video script

On a sunny summers afternoon in an idyllic park not far from Brighton the eccentric Mr Gilbert is dragging a giant old chest across the landscape. 

When he finally gets to the centre of the park on the crest of the hill he stops and puts the chest down. He wipes his brow with a handkerchief and looks around, assessing the lie of the land. He then proceeds to open the majestic chest and out of it like a very rehearsed magician pulls out two little tables, and one well sculpted chair... 

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MAGAZINE article

My colleagues and I were sent to report back on Europe's largest dubstep and base culture festival. It all started with a 30 hour bus trip, destination Fort Punta Christo, Croatia, and it all went uphill, downhill and sideways from there... 

After stepping off the bus, along with hundreds of other bleary eyed travellers I realised this was gonna be a pretty special festival. The outlook team had not only commandeered a beautiful wooded campsite lining the Croatian coast but also the ruins of a two hundred year old fort on the headland...

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Senses festival


When each person buys a ticket, they are given one of nine themes based on different senses. The senses could be based on textures, colours, smells, tastes, vibrations etc. The themes could be very unusual like the texture of oily metal, the smell of cut grass, the colour orange, the texture of carpet, the taste of cookies. They are requested to create a sample of music in Ableton live based around that sense; e.g. a beat, baseline melody etc. They are not told why but informed it will be for a very exciting reason, and that they should make it damn good! When entering the festival and sorting registration each person hands in there Abtleton music sample...

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Scaffolding frogs

Brand strategy document

• we believe in keeping craftsmanship alive
• we specialise in just scaffolding frogs
• we have over 30 years of experience and knowledge
• we are constantly developing and refining our products
• we select only the best materials
• we keep things simple

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• we believe in the creative discipline of bringing together art and science
• we see Sculptural Photography as an art-form
• we are capturing true 3D form for the first time in history
• we are the only people that can do this
• our clients are the first people to use this new medium
• we will always stay ahead of the technology curve by investing in research

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In this paper I will explore this question and build up a body of material that demonstrates any opinions put forward. First, the ‘stage’ must be set; in this case the key elements must be defined. The specific definitions of science, art, beauty, order and creativity that I will use, need to be clarified in order to build up a sound argument. 

This paper consists of three main sections: the first section will examine the question fully, define the premises, it will state my objectives and also why I am interested in the subject matter... 

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