Head of UI/UX


I had the honour of working as Head of UI/UX at PlayStation for 6 months, as paternity cover. During this time my role included Art Direction, Managing Creative, Biz-Dev, Budgeting and more. Plus liaising with Senior Management, Clients and 3rd Parties.

Creative workflow included numerous AAA PS5 titles, syncing across Motion, Sound and Brand. The focus was offering dynamic UI/UX concepts, and continuously pushing what was possible in the gaming world, and working with an amazing team of talented people!

Lots of change was in the air during this time! The PS5 was launched, opening a whole new creative and technical landscape. Plus covid hit, so we had the challenge of shifting from studio to WFH! After this contract, I was very happy to continue on at PlayStation as Freelance Lead UI.


PlayStation + Housemarque

Returnal was a long term project, working with Playstation to support Housemarque. My time was split between working as Head of Design and Lead UI. Growing up in the 80’s I’ve always had a thing for the classic low-fi sci-fi vibe, so I absolutely loved working on this project!

We took the UI from concept stage to game, working on both the creative and implementation side. We focused on a very broad spectrum of areas including; HUD, UI, Map, Infographics, Weapons Systems, In-game UI, In-game 3D elements, Meta UI and Accessibility.

We helped create a dynamic system which successfully handled a huge amount of gameplay. Balancing form and function was the key, and using motion to expand what was possible in terms of both communication and narrative. We pushed accessibility, to help bring the game to everyone!

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Destruction Allstars

PlayStation + Lucid Games

I worked on Destruction Allstars as Head of UI/UX at PlayStation, supporting Lucid Games. My role was centered around Art Direction of HUD/UI concepts and infographics. Liaising closely with Brand to insure a consistent game experience.

We developed motion concepts for the Menu UI, which then fed into Lucid’s workflow for build, exploring how best to showcase the personalities of the game characters! We also focused on concepting and implementing key components of the HUD Lower-Third. 

We produced the game infographic language, inspired and created in sync with the brand direction. Everything was developed from character specific icons, to functional in-game icons, to PS5 trophies!

View the case study

VR Research Projects


During my time at PlayStation I had the opportunity to work on some very exciting VR projects, exploring how new technologies and data-sets can help shape our potential futures!